Obec Ivanovce

History of sport

Ivanovce village has a long and rich history of sport. That was the main reason why several our fellow citizens had decided to prepare a book to cover the major steps and events from history of sport in the village, primarily focusing on football. The book authors are Mr. Milan Fabian, Mgr. Ján Mesároš, Mrs. Anna Fabiánová, Vetrák family and Mr. Vladimír Fabian. In August 2013, the book was officially published and is still available at the Municipal Office. The price of the publication is 5 EUR.  

Currently, the second edition of the history book is in its preparation and again, it will be dedicated mainly to football.

Native citizens of Ivanovce village, Mr. Vladimír Fabian (nickname Fato), Mgr. Ján Mesároš (nickname Pertiš) and Mr. Milan Fabian (nickname Hungarian), developed an intent to map history of sport and football in the village. Originally, a very trivial reason initiated this effort. In the past, all facts about football in Ivanovce village (such as football club details, competitions and their detailed results, charts, names of officials, players and other voluntary supporters) were recorded in a notebook. In the beginnings, an unknown individual kept the “history notebook” updated. Later on, Mr. Vladimír Fabian “Fato” took the initiative and continued in describing of all-important facts from football history in it. Unfortunately, one day the history notebook disappeared and Ivanovce village suddenly “lost” the entire history of its most famous sport. Therefore, these three former successful sportsmen (in period 1952 – 1970) volunteered to “restore” sport history of the village and they started to look for the most effective way to achieve this goal. They decided to approach all their living friends and playmates to refresh their sport memories, they wanted to interview local fans and they planned to find missing information in archives of the local newspaper “Trenčianske Noviny” (years 1969 – 1970). This heroic effort of three extremely passionate volunteers and their supporters was finally completed by issuing an interesting and valuable book. This publication aims mainly at young generation offering them a number of situations when local volunteers did not hesitate to use their passion, time, effort and money with the aim to promote sport activities to the public. It revives history of sport and football in Ivanovce village and also addresses young generation a challenge to spend more free time with doing sport activities instead of playing computer games and using social media, to behave decently instead of being arrogant and aggressive… Finally, the authors´ intent is also to encourage young citizens of our village to promote health lifestyle supported by various sport activities.          



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