Obec Ivanovce

Kindergarten and Public School

Educational institution in Ivanovce village combines Public school and Kindergarten into one facility. This family-type school is a place where all teachers work together, co-operate and exchange their professional views, experience and knowledge; the school is open to children, parents and other village´s citizens.  

The Public school provides the basic knowledge, skills and competences in languages, natural science, social science, art, sports, health, traffic and other areas of knowledge and skills, which are necessary for orientation in life and society. The staff comprises of qualified professional teachers who manage and perform the educational process supported by using modern technologies and innovative procedures to increase its effectiveness. Additionally, a special emphasis is given to the subjects as mother tongue, Math and English language. The initial contact with English is as early as in Kindergarten with focus on communication skills development. English speaking teachers, using also e-twinning project for cooperation with other foreign schools, conduct the learning process at a high professional level.

The school staff maintains intensive communication links and interactions with parents who are offered counselling services, meetings and consultations with experts from the Private Centre of Pedagogical and Psychological Consulting and Prevention, aimed at different aspects of bringing up children and their preparedness to attend elementary school.   

The Public school of Ivanovce village offers accommodation for external branch of the Private Art School of L. Novomesky in Trenčín that provides local children with an opportunity to develop their interests and talents in the fields of painting and dancing. In addition, children are also welcome to spend their free time attending the chess, readers, table tennis and handy hands clubs.

Every year, the Municipal office organises a number of various cultural events for parents and seniors where singing and dancing performance by children from Kindergarten and Public school are inevitable part.


Kindergarten in Ivanovce village started its activities in the school year 1945/1946. Since that time, it has been fully functional without any interruption of services provided.

In 1980, a new kindergarten facility located next to the Public School was completed.  

Public School in Ivanovce village was established in 1904. Initially, due to the size of the village and a small number of its citizens, the Public school consisted only of two classes and two flats for teachers. In period 1944 – 1945, the Nazi soldiers occupied the school and therefore, the education process was reduced to the one class only. In 1945, right after the end of WWII, the education continued in a limited way as the Nazis destroyed the interior of the school. On 30th Jun 1980, the Public school in Ivanovce village was closed; however, in 1990, after massive reconstructions the school resumed its operations with a small number of classes.    



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Today's name day Conran, Cynthia, Cyril, Valentine